Chess Game

Sculpture Painting


Mind the games – something worth nothing, something worth mentioning, from the openings to the critical move. I’m learning chess by making it.

1. Mold-Making

The original forms are folded from paper, turned into resin and iterated on until the final shapes.

2. Painting

I see each pyramid as a unique canvas, exploring different possibilities, boob by boob. The details reflect my interest at the time, from the early rigorous lines to today’s expressive strokes.

3. Composing

Each sculpture painting start and end on a colour choice. Plus and minus, the process goes on as playing chess.

4. Finishing

VARNISH concludes a physical piece. TITLE seals a secret.

The Berlin Opening
200 x 200 x 30 mm

The Sicilian Opening
200 x 200 x 30 mm

The King’s English
200 x 200 x 30 mm

The Neo-Grünfeld
200 x 200 x 30 mm

Norway vs. China
420 x 420 x 30 mm